Liquidity The Ben® Way: We’ve built a rapid, secure, online way for customers to exit alternative asset investments for cash, equity, or debt securities based on the customer’s individual liquidity needs.

AltAcess Large

Simplified Liquidity and Custody Solutions

Developed for alternative asset investors, our end-to-end secure digital account and custody platform features the on-demand, in-depth investment analytics you need for a clear picture of what you own so you can make real-time decisions today.

Rapid, secure, and cost-effective liquidity solutions
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Secure, transparent custody services for digitizing and safekeeping of physical securities on an easy-to-use platform
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Updates and complex data predictions and cash forecasts on your alternative investments
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Curated alternative investment opportunities make reinvesting easy
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Who We Serve

With Ben, individuals, wealth advisors, general partners, institutional investors and our preferred liquidity partners can access a modern approach to exiting their alternatives early, often in as few as 30 days.

Individual Investors

Explore new opportunities and discover liquidity solutions for your alternative assets in as few as 30 days when you use our rapid, secure online platform.

Institutional Investors

Unlock early exit options for illiquid alternative assets that may no longer meet your asset allocation and investment mandate, which may offer a quicker path to your goals.

Wealth Advisors

Accelerate closings, improve timely reporting with data analytics, and lower the barriers to exit often associated with alternative assets with Ben’s innovative AltAccess® platform. This could be a catalyst for client and asset acquisition and aggregation.

General Partners’ Liquidity Needs

Secure optimal outcomes for your funds while maintaining investment relationships with your LPs by providing on-demand liquidity and more in-depth and timely custodial reporting. As your Preferred Liquidity Provider, Ben can help you do just that.

Preferred Liquidity Provider (PLP)

General Partners and wealth advisors can experience the advantages of unbeatable convenience, speedier exits, and unparalleled cost-effectiveness for your funds, LPs, advisors, and clients with our Preferred Liquidity Provider (PLP) program.

General Partners’ Fundraising Needs

General Partners who are currently, or anticipating, fundraising can benefit from a significant anchor commitment into their fund and a range of optional fund administration and other services, at no cost to the GP and their funds through our Primary Commitment Program.

We’re Beneficient – Ben®, for Short

Our mission is simple – empowering alternative asset investors with a fully regulated, tech-enabled and completely reimagined approach to bringing early exit solutions, reporting, and custodial services with real-time data analytics for their alternative assets.

Eligible Assets

What types of professionally managed alternative assets are eligible for Ben solutions?

Minimum liquidity transaction amount:  $100k

Ben Gives Back

Investing in the Future by Investing in Rural Communities